St. Lawrence Health


Quality Care

Several independent organizations rate hospital quality based on certain features of care that have been proven to impact health outcomes. 

St. Lawrence Health strives to meet or exceed benchmarks for reliable and valid measurements of quality. Some benchmarks do not apply and, in some cases, a rating may not be available because our hospitals don't perform enough of a particular type of procedure to make the rating statistically significant. In other words, the rating would not be reliable or valid.

Quality Contact Information

If you have questions about any of these organizations' ratings, contact the Director of Quality & Regulatory Affairs.

US Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Hospital Compare

About Hospital Compare

The Leapfrog Group (ratings from a consortium of Fortune 500 companies and others concerned with health care quality)

Canton-Potsdam Hospital, Gouverneur Hospital, and Massena Hospital are accredited by det Norske Veritas Health care (DNV-GL), one of the largest global quality rating organizations. Click here to learn more.